An early warning system is a public tool that issues alerts for many people, in general or specific. The government or authorities usually use the emergency alert system 30 minutes in some cases, such as weather alerts and evacuation alerts, because they are easy to detect.
There are some different works of the emergency alert system. The reliable network that most devices use is wireless or satellite operators. Also, the type of broadcast platforms is different, starting from a smartphone, TV, radio, and other media channels. What are the types of the 30-minute EAS?
The Types of Emergency Alert System 30 Minutes
1. Severe weather alert
Severe weather alert is one of the tools to inform about potential extreme weather that might come soon. As an emergency alert system 30 minutes, the system can inform 30 minutes prior to the event. Usually, the alert is related to flash floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes.
This warning can be updated several times until the real event. The purpose of this type of emergency alert system is reminding people that the event may come, either stronger or weaker. It also contains some information, such as evacuation guidelines or safety instructions in the message.
When the threat of weather is getting intense, the frequency of the EAS will be throughout the event. Before the severe weather passes, the warning will continue even for hours. The sensors in the system should be accurate and sensible, so the data issued for EAS will not cause panic.

2. National security threats
The EAS for national security threat usually announces the information at least 30 minutes with frequent updates after that. There are some categories in this EAS to announce, such as conflicts, public safety announcements, and terrorist attacks. This EAS has geo-specific features.
The duration of EAS for security threats is different. When it is expected, the warning is announced about 30 minutes before the incident may start. After that, a few minutes before may have frequent warning. It depends on the situation and the type of the threats.
The regulation of the emergency alert system 30 minutes will be different because the management is handled by different agencies. Sometimes, the EAS sends some regular updates for people in general without specific regions. Once it is resolved, the update is only for the test.
3. Large-scale crisis
The authorities may send the emergency alert system during the crisis. The 30-minute update is different because the content may be about restrictions and guidance. This is a periodic warning only. Once the issue is resolved, the EAS stops sending the warning.
Multiple alerts during the crisis is important to improve the quality of life. Thus, people also will be in cautious condition. They only can follow the guidance and avoid the restrictions mentioned in the warning message. It can be geo-specific and general warning.
What kind of crisis can be categorized as large-scale crisis? The closest example is pandemic. During the crisis because of COVID-19, people rely on broadcast messages to know about restrictions, new regulations, and lockdown policy. It is continuous warning as an effort of protection.
The Key Feature of EAS 30 Minutes
Informative Content
Inside the message, there is informative content that is related to the upcoming incident. The main incident has a bigger font as header. After that, the key information that people should know such as the level of severity, time, region, and some instructions to follow by the receivers of the message.
Specific Instruction
Should the event bring hazard, there will be specific instructions in the message. People may be requested to find the nearest shelter, to stay away from the main area, or to follow the next update. This instruction uses bolder fonts to be noticed by the readers.
Platforms to Spread
The broadcast of the EAS should be inclusive, where the people in the area should receive the message without delay. So, it is important to choose a good device with a 5G network. The message reaches faster to different devices without any issue with compatibility.
The authorities in every country should put more concern into the use of the emergency alert system, 30 minutes. In half an hour, people can prepare many things, including evacuation. The important device to use is an SMS broadcaster to deliver messages through a smartphone without using the network provider.