Managing disasters is the government’s responsibility. They work with different agencies since the strategies are too big for a single party to handle. Natural disaster government agencies are collaborative in many stages, such as mitigation, emergency response, and recovery.
The efforts of disaster agencies are different. They have their own roles to help the system and communities. They may coordinate with other agencies in different stages. What are their roles and responsibilities in disaster management? Read the overview of each agency here.

Overview of Natural Disaster Government Agencies
1. Federal Emergency Management Agency
This agency is based in the US. Their main role is coordinating with different agencies during emergency response and recovery. They help the communities to understand the risks of disasters that may come to the area. Then, they assist the communities by making emergency plans.
FEMA also prepares emergency shelters and resources. They provide guidance for the people, so people know how to protect themselves during an emergency. Their publication is not only in critical situations but also in mitigation which is happening before a disaster.
2. National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
NOAA is the agency that is responsible for monitoring weather and atmosphere patterns. This agency is under the US Department, established in 1970. They forecast weather and climate accurately. After that, the report is used to predict weather patterns and events that may happen in the future.
They also monitor the climate change that is happening right now. There are many divisions under NOAA, such as the National Weather Service, National Ocean Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, and Environmental Satellite Service. They are in collaboration for the US EWS.
3. Japan Meteorological Agency
JMA is one of the natural disaster government agencies in Japan to monitors and forecast the weather, earthquakes, tsunami potential, and volcanic activity. They help the government to provide accurate data. After that, the information is spread widely through Japan's early warning system.
When JMA finds that the weather is becoming extreme, they will issue warnings and alerts to the public. They work fast with other agencies in Japan, so people can prepare to face the challenges because of the disaster. The monitoring is comprehensive to face disasters in Japan.
4. Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency
This agency is based in Indonesia. They have many roles, such as monitoring the weather, climate change, volcano activity, and seismic activity. This agency was established in 2008. Their main role is to provide accurate data to the authorities. If there is an extreme case, a warning alert is issued.
Until today, this agency is one of the important natural disaster government agencies in Indonesia. Besides providing real-time data, BMKG also does research and development to see the potential disaster in the future. Some improvements may be needed, like using a reliable SMS broadcaster.
The challenge is that the size of Indonesia is too large to provide a single station. They should establish many stations and sensors to have accurate results. Improving the forecasting techniques is also their priority since Indonesia is in a disaster zone.
5. United States Geological Survey
USGS is under the US Department of Interior to monitor natural phenomena on the Earth’s surface, including natural disasters. They do hazard assessment and resource allocation according to the priority as well. USGS has the right to issue warnings according to the real-time data.
They are in collaboration with different agencies and parties, such as institutions, governments, and organizations. Expertises under USGS do research and development by monitoring the actions other countries do, so they can maximize the efforts.
6. Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Some outbreaks may bring harm on a large scale. This is the main role of CDC to prevent the widespread. This is under the US department of health and human services. They should find ways and strategies to fight and control the diseases, in the US and globally.
Their main role is tracking and monitoring disease trends. Some diseases may come again in the future, so the CDC should prepare strategies to fight the risks. CDC also gathers data to identify potential risks and the pattern of the outbreaks.
The government in every country should be involved in preparing the efforts in disaster management. They have to encourage natural disaster government agencies to use a reliable device to spread warnings, such as an SMS broadcaster. Find out more information about this device here.