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The Big Gaps of AI VS Human Intelligence

With the use of technology, people can enjoy their lives better and get many things faster. One of the new trends in technology is AI. Even so, AI vs human intelligence creates different gaps. AI may be fast and smart, but many things cannot be done like real human intelligence.

At the same time, one person is competing for speed which becomes the reason why they use AI for their work. What are the big gaps between AI and human intelligence? Here are some points that you can consider before choosing AI tools or real human intelligence for your project.

The Gaps between AI vs Human Intelligence

1. Learning from sample

An AI would not be able to see the pattern when the sample is only one. The tools of AI need more than a million or even a billion samples until they can understand the pattern of something. We call it multishot learning. This is why solutions from AI tools will not be perfect.

It is different from human intelligence. If we compare AI vs human intelligence, humans can think differently even though it comes from a single sample. It is a miracle coming from the brain. Experiences are the source to extrapolate the pattern or generalize the case.

AI vs human intelligence

2. The complexity of sense

Humans have a complexity of senses, coming from their hearing, taste, sight, smell, and touch. Those are sensations that an AI will never have. This is why humans can respond in real time about something that suddenly happens around them. The complexity creates different reactions.

Meanwhile, an AI only relies on patterns it receives, such as text, pictures, and voice. Even though the information that AI receives is much more complex, they cannot decide in real time unless they receive a command to do it. Sensors that we can find around us only rely on crucial information.

3. The complexity of emotion

Talking about AI vs human intelligence is always related to the complexity of emotions. Humans have cognitive and psychological capabilities that AI will never have. It is part of humans that makes them unique and have different abilities from one another. It also creates imagination that AI could never have.

With that complexity, humans can be adaptive to the changes, disasters, and other problems that happen in this environment. AI does not have imagination and creates new ideas to be adaptive because it only reads patterns. The system recites what has happened, not create innovation.

4. Originality

Another issue that raises concerns about AI vs human intelligence is originality. AI reads patterns from the cases that had already occurred in the past. So, the result of AI is taken from those cases. You cannot claim that AI work is original because it takes samples from existing content.

Human intelligence can create new ideas according to the senses and experience. Their emotion can be poured into the art they are doing, so they create original content. It can be something new and fresh even though the process may take a long time because it involves imagination.

5. Bias in result

Both AI and human intelligence create bias in their results. AI’s result tends to be biased to the patterns they read in the system. There is no moral implication and judgment based on emotion. It recommends what is best because of the more patterns they receive.

6. Error result

Error results are normal from both AI and human intelligence. AI may not be relevant to the new cases because it is judged according to the existing system. Meanwhile, the error in human intelligence is because of subjectivity that relates to a human's background, emotions, and experiences.

7. Working time

AI and HI have different working times. Human intelligence needs a break. They cannot work 24/7 because a single human needs rest. Meanwhile, AI tools are reliable for 24/7 working time. It can answer every question anytime whenever they get commands and prompts from humans.

While AI vs human intelligence is still a big argument, you can rely on an SMS broadcaster device to improve your business. This is a tool that can be useful for marketing purposes because it can broadcast messages to many numbers which is more efficient than using a smartphone. You can set it to receive feedback from the customers as well.

1 Comment

Janet Lucy
Janet Lucy
Sep 09

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