If you have a hobby of photography and want to try to sell your work, you can try to start selling your work on Shutterstock. You can become a contributor for Shutterstock. Find out general information and guide on how to sell photos on Shutterstock in this article.
To become a contributor at Shutterstock you don't have to do complicated or difficult steps. Just follow some of the explanations below.
What is Shutterstock?
Shutterstock is a blog or website based platform where you can download or download stock photos for your needs. In Shutterstock you can find various photos that you may need for your business or personal needs.
Starting from wallpapers, illustrations, images for entertainment, and many others. For those of you who are familiar with the world of digital marketing or the world of photography, you must be familiar with Shutterstock.
This platform itself has been used by thousands and even millions of users spread all over the world.
The Shutterstock platform actually functions as a place for people around the world to sell their photo works. You can imagine Shutterstock as a marketplace for photo needs, where you can become a contributor by selling your photos, or also buying other people's photo works online.
Some people use Shutterstock as a means to side hustle them by selling photos. Even though it sounds trivial, they can reap quite a large profit if their photos are sold well. For that, you might want to know how to sell photos on Shutterstock.
How to Sell Photos on Shutterstock?

So, how can you become a contributor and sell your photos on Shutterstock? The steps you have to do are actually very simple. To find out more, see an explanation of the steps you need to take below:
1. Set Up Your Shutterstock Contributor Account
The first step and also one of the most important steps so that you can sell on this platform is to sign up and create an account first. Create an account so you can become a contributor. You can do it on shutterstock.com login or sign up page.
At this stage, you will be asked to fill in some personal data and to set up a payment method that is preferable for you. Most of the time, the payment available is by using PayPal.
For those of you who live outside the US, you can also sell on Shutterstock. But you have to create a Paypal account first so you can get your payment later. Later, your earning will be sent directly to the PayPal account associated with your account.
2. Study The Market
The next most important step is to study the market. The harsh truth is, not every photo can be directly sold on Shutterstock, especially if the photo does not match the existing market demand.
You have to understand what kind of source base is on this platform. Most of the people who buy photos on this platform are graphic designers or content creators who want to find photo elements for their content or designs. So you have to be able to predict trends and also take the right photos so that they can match the demand.
Most of the photos that are usually preferable for this market are neutral photos in the form of backgrounds or textures. Photos in the form of illustrations of people are also usually the category that is enjoyed. So, try to shoot and sell works like this so that your work can sell faster.
3. Submit Your Photos
The final step on how to sell photos on Shutterstock is to upload your photos to sell and wait for people to buy them. After you study the market and shoot the photo according to the market's demand, then you just have to wait until your work is bought by other users.
If someone is interested in your work and buys it, then you will get earnings per download. The price per download may vary according to Shutterstock's own regulations. But if accumulated, dozens of downloads in your work can generate quite a large amount of money.
That’s a general discussion on how to sell photos on Shutterstock. Not only Shutterstock, nowadays there are so many other online platforms where you can sell your photos online. You can also become an Adobe Stock contributor.
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